Japan Wild Life Art Society
Shingo's Art Gallery

***** Shingo Saotome *****
The mission statement of my painting is to express the beauty and the strength of animal , and to protect natural environment and wild animal.
As an animalist , I am always drawing my painting with a thankful mind to GOD , and am hoping that anyone who appreciates my drawing would feel an importance and beauty of LOVE through my opus.
The ultimate of my life and drawing is to work for 'Peace on Earth'.
Thank you.

Swift Fox 52X36 Splendor 72X52
Swan Lake 52X36 little a deer 41X32
Jewellery eyes 72X52 Artemis 72X52
  use acrylic fiber paints

a profile
a membe of Japan Wild Life Art Society
study of Jyo Naitou
    name: Shingo Saotome
birthday: January 5th
sex: male
coming place: Japan
blood type: O
hobby: figure skate and body building

Shingo Saotome
connected with universe.t@okym.enjoy.ne.jp Yukiko Awai

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